Business Strategy development and execution networking.
Meet like minded individuals from around the world. Share experiences and ideas.
FREE over Zoom.
Hosted by Chris Fox, founder of StratNavApp.com
Scroll down to sign up.
Network with other business strategists. Share your perspectives and learn more about business strategy development and execution.
About this Event
#StratChat is an opportunity to network with and learn from other business strategists.
Meetings will be held each week at 14h00 UK time every Thursday. They will last 1 hour and will be held via Zoom. Attendance is FREE.
Anyone with an interest in business strategy development and execution is free to join.
- experts or beginners;
- consultants, people with strategy roles in organisations, or just people with an interesting in thinking and acting more strategically; from anywhere in the world.
You will receive the Zoom code and password by email as soon as you sign-up.
Approach: each week we will pick a broad topic, and prepare a few questions. However, the conversation will be community-led. So there is no way of predicting where it might go! As long as it is about business strategy development and execution.
Rules of engagement:
- Chatham House Rules apply: participants may report who was there, and what was said, but not who said it.
- To make sure the conversation is friendly and informative, please ensure your camera is switched on.
- No sales pitches.
- Meetings may be recorded but any recordings will only be made available to those who attend. Notes may be published shortly after the meeting.
To join, simply sign up below.

Francis Wade (Jamaica)
Consultant, speaker, author
founder of JumpLeap newsletter
Initially I was skeptical - I couldn't imagine that there were other folks around the world who would get together each week to talk about strategic planning. But #Stratchat has become one of the events I look forward to each week.
The combination of committed people, our international flavor and fine facilitation/design means that I get value from every call. Now I have a community of like-minded persons who also care enough to contribute to making each call special.
This is unique and while I know that it's tough to sustain precious groups of people, I hope #Stratchat continues and benefits others.
When you learn about something powerful, the first thing you do is tell others about it. Then you find a community of interested people who sharpen one another.
I wasn't smart enough to do that when I learnt how to write codes, but I didn't make that mistake when I learnt about Strategy. It's what led me to join the #stratchat weekly meeting.
I'm just 21. Joined when I was 20. Yet, despite the wide age and experience gap, no one has ever, for once, failed to make me feel among.
It's such a blessing.
I'm learning, not from LinkedIn fabricated experiences...but from people who have been in the trenches for years and understand the on-ground situation.
Thanks for making this possible, Chris.

Amie Devero (USA)
Consultant, Coach, Author, Speaker
Beyond Better
As an independent consultant, it’s easy to become intellectually stale and professionally lonely. StratChat has been a wonderful substitute for a collegial team. The participants are diverse in every respect —but all are committed to great thinking, ongoing learning, intellectual rigor and most importantly curiosity and mutual respect. I am grateful to Chris Fox for his consistent leadership and facilitation and to all of the regular participants. It is truly nurturing strategy community.
Participation is encouraged, by Chris, on a large range of subjects that are posted out weekly to the global group and in the past 12 months has opened my mind and my business to avenues re strategy I would never have explored myself. There is no pressure to attend, nor to contribute.