Free SWOT template

  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface
  • Multi-user collaborative
  • Integrates with a full suite of tools for end-to-end strategy development and execution
  • Online guidance and support
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Start with a SWOT. End up with a fully-integrated strategy.

A SWOT Template with a difference

  • Not another passive template in Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Apple iWork, Mural or Miro. They may look good. But they have no idea what a SWOT is, how to do one, or what to do with it.
  • understands business strategy, how and why to do a SWOT, and what to do with it next to deliver meaningful results.
  • Easy to export to use in other tools (Word, Powerpoint, etc.)
  • Try it for yourself, and see the difference.
Image of SWOT

Manage all 4 stages of Strategy Development and Execution in one place


Generate strategic insights using the most popular strategy frameworks, such as:
  • Business Model Canvas
  • Customer Proposition Map
  • Lean Canvas
  • The McKinsey 7S Framework
  • PESTEL Analysis
  • Porter's 5 Forces
  • SWOT Analysis
  • The Strategy Canvas
  • The BCG Matrix
  • Value Chain
  • Scenario Development


Express your strategy clearly in terms of:
  • Vision, mission and values.
  • Strategic goals, objectives, KPIs and targets, and OKRs in each of the 4 perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard.
  • "Strategy House" communication device.


Plan the steps you need to take to execute your strategy:
  • Balance your key initiatives across the 3 Planning Horizons.
  • Plan for growth using Ansoff's Matrix.
  • Manage your initiatives through the evaluation, prioritisation and approval cycle.
  • Agree costs and benefits, relative to your goals.
  • Build your Execution Roadmap with a Gantt View.
  • Map your initiatives against your goals to confirm alignment and completeness.
  • Test your initiatives against your scenarios for robustness.


Make sure your strategy delivers the intended results, or make adjustments where required.
  • Track your KPIs on a graphical Scorecard.
  • Feed the results back into your analysis.


Govern the development and execution of your strategy effectively:
  • Use a RAID Log, including:
    • Risks (and a Risk Matrix)
    • Actions
    • Issues
    • Decisions (including the Strategy Alternative Matrix)
  • Manage your Stakeholders.
  • Plan and record Meetings.

Don't rely on ad hoc processes and general-purpose office software for business strategy.

Join the #StratTech Revolution.

Access your projects from anywhere, on any device

Picture: on different device forms.

Payment Plans

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Learn and explore

Free (forever)

Everything in Pro for the first month, and thereafter:

  • Up to 3 projects.
  • Up to 5 users per project.
  • Analysis: Business Model Canvas, Lean Canvas, PESTEL, 5-Forces, 7S, SWOT, Strategy Canvas, Pareto, BCG, Scenarios, Value chain.
  • Direction: Vision, Mission and Values; Goals, Objectives and KPIs; Up to 3 targets and actuals per KPI.
  • Planning: initiatives, timeline, 3 horizons, approval cycle, RASCI, initiative goal matrix and initiative scenario matrix. Financial forecasts for up to 3 initiatives.
  • Strategy Scorecard
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Meeting Manager: with Project Calendar
  • RAID Log: Risks, Actions, Issues and Decisions
  • Search: within one project at a time.
  • StratML output: parts 1 and 2.
  • MS-Word reports: generate reports at the click of a button.
  • Download images: of all model with watermark.
  • Autosave Interval: 60 seconds.

Start your journey to success

£10.00 per month (GBP) per user

Everything in the Standard plan, plus:

  • Unlimited number of projects.
  • Unlimited number of users per project.
  • Analysis: insights filter and scenario builder.
  • Direction: unlimited KPI targets and actuals. Strategy House.
  • Planning: financial forecasts for all initiatives
  • Governance: Emergent Approach to Strategy-style Strategy Alternative Matrices
  • Search: within one project at a time or across all projects.
  • Personal Calendar and Actions: see all your meetings and actions across all your pojects.
  • Calendar Integrations: add strategy meetings from to your calendar for Google Calendar or iCal for Outlook.
  • MS-Word reports: customisable templates.
  • Download images: of all model without watermark.
  • Upload images: to support your analysis and plans.
  • Web clipper: bookmarklet for snipping content from the web.
  • Generative AI: up to 5 uses per month.
  • Support by Zoom.
  • Payment methods: Credit card or Paypal.
  • Autosave Interval: 30 seconds.

Everything you need

£50.00 per month (GBP) per user

Everything in the Premium plan, plus:

  • File Vault: upload and link files and images where they belowng. Includes Microsoft SharePoint integration.
  • API integrations: connect your existing systems to
  • Generative AI: let our #StratBot generate suggested content for your to review and edit.
  • Payment methods: Credit card, Paypal or UK invoice.
  • KPIs calculate correlations.
  • Autosave Interval: 10 seconds.

Enterprise Pricing: Contact us to discuss enterprise pricing for 20 or more users.

We also offer a range of services providing you with as much or as little extra help as you need.

Used by over 400 organisations in 115 countries.

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