Strategic Plan
U.S. Department of Education Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-22
U.S. Department of Education (ED)
The U.S. Department of Education (the Department) executes the laws passed by Congress to promote student academic achievement and preparation for global competitiveness. The Department works with parents, students, educational institutions, school districts and states to foster educational excellence and to ensure equal access to education for all students.
Plan period: from 01/10/2018 to 30/09/2022
The Department pursues its mission by administering programs that provide services throughout an individual’s entire lifespan -- from early intervention services to employment programs. Many of these programs provide grants to state or local educational agencies and support students and families from vulnerable populations, including children with disabilities and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. These programs also provide grants and loans to postsecondary students and facilitate research that examines ways that schools, districts, states and postsecondary institutions can improve America's education system. In addition, the Department fulfills its mission through the enforcement of civil rights laws that ensure equal access.
Plan submitted by:
Owen Ambur
In addition to establishing the Strategic Goals and Strategic Objectives that will guide the Department's policy, budget and human resource decisions during the next four years, this Strategic Plan aligns with the Agency Reform Plan. Specifically, the implementation strategies that support this Strategic Plan leverage opportunities to manage programs and to deliver services more effectively to the students, parents and communities the Department serves, as well as to create a more productive and rewarding place to work for its employees.
Competitive Environment
U.S. Department of Education (ED)
The U.S. Department of Education (the Department) executes the laws passed by Congress to promote student academic achievement and preparation for global competitiveness. The Department works with parents, students, educational institutions, school districts and states to foster educational excellence and to ensure equal access to education for all students.
Educational excellence and equal access to education for all students.
To promote student academic achievement and preparation for global competitiveness.
unnamed value
Goal Statement: Support state and local efforts to improve learning outcomes for all P-12 students in every community.
Strategic Goal 1 and Strategic Objectives 1.1-1.4 focus on outcomes related to the transition from the No Child Left Behind Act to implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in December 2015... The Department will annually work with states to ensure that all required public data elements related to student and school performance are being reported in the required timeframe. Increased transparency will empower parents and students and will provide an opportunity for states and other education and community stakeholders to identify areas for targeted technical assistance that the Department can support.
- Experiences
- Options
- Rights
- English Learners
- ESSA State Plans
- Innovative Practices
- Transitions
- IDEA Performance Plans
- Best Practices
- Special Education Services & Aids
- Career, Technical & Adult Education
- Preschoolers with Disabilities
- Goals & Activities
- Children with Disabilities
- Strategies & Practices
- Charter Schools
- Collaboration
- Accountability
- Access
- School Conditions
- Pre-Employment Transition Services
- STEM Skills & Financial Literacy
- School Choice
- Funding
- Civil Rights
- Vulnerable Populations
- Apprenticeships
- Technology
Postsecondary Education
Goal Statement: Expand postsecondary educational opportunities, improve outcomes to foster economic opportunity and promote an informed, thoughtful and productive citizenry.
Outcomes Strategic Goal 2 and Strategic Objectives 2.1–2.5 focus on expanding the Department’s efforts to support innovative, accessible and affordable paths to postsecondary credentials and job-ready skills. In addition to supporting expanded postsecondary opportunities, the Department has a number of initiatives focused on affordability. These initiatives ensure borrowers have the best information available to make postsecondary program selection and associated borrowing decisions. The Department also continues to help students understand their financial aid options and repayment obligations. It is important that the Department expand its outreach efforts and support states and institutions in developing alternative pathways to postsecondary credentials that lead to employment, particularly for populations with barriers to employment, such as individuals with disabilities. Specifically, the Department will: * Support innovative and affordable paths to postsecondary credentials for all segments of the population, including vulnerable populations by: - Fostering higher completion rate programs. - Working in conjunction with employers and industries. - Minimizing barriers to access. * Expand the Department's outreach efforts, including: - Improving affordability for all families and students by improving public understanding of the federal financial aid process. - Communicating with education providers about funding options and providers’ responsibilities. - Streamlining internal efficiencies to provide the appropriate materials to facilitate student loan repayment. * Encourage positive and safe environments by: - Providing school personnel with effective strategies. - Promoting best practices that prevent bullying, violence and disruptive actions in schools. - Develop tools and resources within the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) designed to enhance customer service by: - Identifying new mechanisms to provide customer service. - Providing superior customer service within the Federal Student Aid Feedback System by delivering more timely and accurate responses.
- Skills & Credentials
- Outreach
- Student Loans
- Experimental Sites
- Website
- Education Strategies
- Events
- Changes
- Pathways, Planning & Guidance
- Planning & Dual Enrollment
- Civil Rights Laws
- Partnerships
- Default Prevention
- Web-Based Technology
- Delivery Models
- Employment Pathways
- Flexibility
- Awareness
- Information Dissemination
- Safety
- Collaboration
- Regulations
- Responsibilities & Requirements
- Individuals with Disabilities
- Relationships
- Communications & Outreach
- Credentials & Skills
- Student Aid
- Access & Completion
- Regulatory Barriers
- Partners
- Communications
- Costs & Outcomes
- Policies & Programs
- Practices & Programs
- Barriers
- Policies
- Post-High School Success
- Career, Technical & Adult Education
- Servicing
- Information & Tools
- Career Preparation
- Capability & Oversight
Goal Statement: Strengthen the quality, accessibility and use of education data through better management, increased privacy protections and transparency.
Outcomes: Strategic Goal 3 and Strategic Objectives 3.1-3.3 focus on strengthening data-driven decision-making in education by focusing on the ways we manage and make available education data, while protecting student privacy. The Department is committed to improving how staff and stakeholders access, use and share meaningful data on education while protecting privacy. These improvements enable the Department and other stakeholders in the education community to better provide the public with the information necessary to make informed decisions on behalf of their communities, states and local districts. Strengthening the Department’s data life cycle management, governance and quality framework will help ensure data being used within the Department for decision-making are accurate and reliable.
- Accessibility, Quality & Use
- Data Hosting
- Best Practices
- Organizational Structure
- Trainees
- Access & Use
- Policy Determinations
- Messaging & Guidance
- Transparency & Protection
- IHEs
- Sessions & Information
- Enforcement
- Workforce
- Privacy
- LEA Websites
- Communication
- Data Releases
- External Partners
- Governance, Management & Support
- Life Cycle Management
- Develop and implement methods to access, analyze, visualize, interpret and represent education data in order to support informed decisions. o Improve the technical and procedural infrastructure of the Department to increase data accessibility and usability for Department staff. o Identify and provide access to the tools needed to enable data-driven decisionmaking within the Department, including the use of data to evaluate data quality, improve program management and inform monitoring and technical assistance decisions. o Identify, develop and provide training on policies, procedures and practices that emphasize data-driven decision-making within the Department.
- Feedback
- Support
- Training
- Best Practices
- Technical Assistance
- Open Data
- Technical Assistance
Effectiveness, Efficiency & Accountability
Goal Statement: Reform the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of the Department.
Outcomes: The Department’s organizational capacity relies not only on our human capital but also on other resources, including physical, material, financial and informational resources. Strategic Goal 4 and Strategic Objectives 4.1-4.4 focus on improving the Department's processes, such as reviewing regulations, and where appropriate, on repealing, replacing or modifying regulations. Achievement of this goal will eliminate outdated, unnecessary or ineffective regulations; will repeal, replace or modify those regulations that eliminate jobs or inhibit job creation, impose costs that exceed benefits, or otherwise impose undue burdens on regulated parties; and will establish a high-functioning Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process while also improving Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey scores.
- Capability
- Culture
- Performance Plans
- Cross-Training & Reassignment
- Regulatory Relief
- Owners
- Regulations
- Communication Strategies
- Transactions
- Training Needs
- Education
- Cybersecurity
- Management Challenges
- Professional Development
- Dashboard
- Mitigation Plans
- Outreach
- Skills
- Services
- Professional Development & Accountability
- ERM Framework
- Internal Controls
- Resource Allocations
- Common Processes
- IDPs
- Implementation Strategies
- Risks
- Succession Planning
- Communications Strategy
- Risk Profile
- Coordination & Integration
- Intelligence
- Cloud & Shared Services
- Workforce