We try to keep our communications with you as relevant as we can. And our AI is designed to give you help which is specific and relevant to your particular circumstances.
To help us do that, we might ask you questions about yourself and how you use StratNavApp.com.
We'll usually ask these questions while you're using the system, in the same place where we'd normally give you helpful tips and advice. This place is designed to get your attention without interrupting the flow of your work.
Sometimes we will ask you by email.
You don't have to answer these questions if you don't want to - you can simply click 'dismiss'. But it will make it easier for us to keep our communications with you as relevant as we can if you do answer.
Either way, as soon as you've answered or dismissed the question, we'll go right back to providing you with helpful tips and advice so that you can keep going with the important task of developing and executing business strategy!