Project Roles

Understand the different levels of access a user have have to a project in

In, users can have one of four roles within a project, each granting specific access and capabilities:

  1. Administrator: Possesses all Contributor rights and can invite others to the project. Enterprise users with this role can also assign or modify user roles.

  2. Contributor: Can add or modify any project content but cannot invite new users.

  3. Commentor: Has read access to all project content and can add notes to most sections.

  4. Read Only: Can view all project content without making changes or adding notes.

When you create a new project, you automatically receive Administrator rights for that project.

Only Enterprise subscribers with Administrator access can:

  • Assign roles other than Administrator when inviting users to a project.

  • Change the roles of existing project members.

Understanding these roles ensures effective collaboration and proper access management within your projects.

See also:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the roles available in a project? offers four roles within a project: Administrator, Contributor, Commentor, and Read Only.

What can an Administrator do in a project?

Administrators have all Contributor rights and can also invite others to the project. Enterprise users with this role can assign or change user roles.

What permissions does a Contributor have?

Contributors can add or modify any project content but cannot invite new users.

What can a Commentor do in a project?

Commentors have read access to all project content and can add notes to most sections.

What does the Read Only role allow?

The Read Only role allows users to view all project content without making changes or adding notes.

Who can assign or modify user roles in

Only Enterprise subscribers with Administrator access can assign roles other than Administrator when inviting users or change the roles of existing project members.

What role is assigned when you create a new project?

When you create a new project, you automatically receive Administrator rights for that project.

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Published: 2024-11-18  | 
Updated: 2024-11-19

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