What it is
One of the first things we do before meeting a new Stakeholder is look them up on LinkedIn.
StratNavApp.com provides a convenient way of navigating from the Stakeholder record to their LinkedIn profile page.
The LinkedIn bookmarklet allows you to navigate in the opposite direction: from LinkedIn to their stakeholder page.
It also allows you to pull their profile image and LinkedIn id back into their Stakeholder record.
How to use it
- From any LinkedIn profile page, click on the StratNavApp.com LinkedIn Bookmarklet.
- This will open up a new page showing possible matching Stakeholders in StratNavApp.com.
From there you can:- Navigate to an existing matching Stakeholder record.
- Merge the LinkedIn image and ID into an existing Stakeholder record before navigating to it.
- Create a new Stakeholder record, in any project, adding the name, profile picture and ID from LinkedIn, before navigating to it.
How to install it
- Desktop/laptop: Drag this link >> StratNavApp.com LinkedIn << to your bookmarks bar.
- iPad/iPhone: create a new bookmark and replace the link address with this text
javascript:personNameElement=document.querySelector("a h1");personName=personNameElement?personNameElement.innerText.trim():"";imageElement=document.querySelector("img.pv-top-card-profile-picture__image--show");imgSrc=imageElement?imageElement.src:"";encodedUrl=encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);encodedName=encodeURIComponent(personName);encodedImgSrc=encodeURIComponent(imgSrc);finalUrl=`https://www.stratnavapp.com/reference/LinkedIn?name=${encodedName}&face=${encodedImgSrc}&url=${encodedUrl}`;console.log("Navigating to:",finalUrl);window.open(finalUrl,"_blank");
into it.
Where to find the LinkedIn bookmarklet
You can install the bookmarklet directly into your browser. How and where it appears will depend on which browser you use.
See also
Other notes
The LinkedIn bookmarklet is available on all paid accounts. It is only available on free accounts for their first 3 months.