Instructions for 12 Ronnies Launch Strategists

Instructions for Launch Controllers using for developing Launch Plans for Founders as part of the 12 Ronnies Launch Control programme

Launch ControlIntroduction

These instructions are intended for Launch Strategists on the 12 Ronnies Launch Control Programme.

Founders interested in signing up for the programme can find out more at 


Ensure your Founder has completed a Lean Canvas

If your Founder has not completed a Lean Canvas, you can direct them to Lite to do so.

( Lite is a simplified version of which is specifically aimed at helping early-stage pre-launch founders to develop a Lean Canvas. See our video introduction to Lite.)

Once they've done so, you can ask them to share their Lean Canvas with you.

Or you can complete the Lean Canvas for them once you've gathered the information from them that you need.

Complete a Business Model Canvas

Once you have a Lean Canvas, your next step is to complete a Business Model Canvas.

With, half the job is already done as information which is common to the Lean and Business Model Canvas will be shared between these two frameworks.

Add the Insights supporting the validation of their idea

Your Founder has already told 12 Ronnies that he has information to support the validation of their business idea.

You can capture it and attach it to the Business Model Canvas.


  1. Click on the relevant card on their Business Model Canvas.
  2. Scroll down to click on "Add related insights".
  3. Enter the validating insight and press Enter.

You can add as many validating insights as you want to each card. You can also associate a validating insight with more than one card on the Business Model Canvas. Lastly you can click on an Insight to add supporting details.

You will see that automatically adds these insights to a SWOT analysis in the Analysis section. It uses AI to work out where to place each one on the SWOT analysis. You can drag and drop elements between quadrants if you want to.

Add the initiatives required to launch their business

Once you have the completed Business Model Canvas, you can start to identify the steps or Initiatives required to bring it to life.

Some Initiatives might be fairly standard tasks like setting up a legal entity or finding an accountant, etc.

Others are more specific to that business, like building a web-site, establishing a marketing funnel, building a prototype or securing a premises, etc.

You can add each of these Initiatives in the Planning section on

Identify the Service Providers to support those Initiatives

Some Initiatives may be things for the Founder to do, others will require a Service Provider to help.

12 Ronnies has a database of pre-approved Service Providers for you to choose from. Sometimes, you may need to find specialist providers which are on that list.

You can capture details of the selected Service Providers and attach them to the relevant Initiatives.

  1. Click on an Initiative in the Planning section on
  2. Scroll down and click "Add related organisations" or "Add related people"
  3. Type the name of the Service Provider and press Enter.

You can add more than one Service Provider to each Initiative. You can also link a single Service Provider to more than one Initiative.

Ask the Service Providers for estimates of costs and durations

You then need to ask each service provider for an estimate of what it will cost and how long it will take to do the work.

You can capture this information in for each Initiative.

For costs there is a narrative section to provide explanations of the costs, as well as a table in which you can itemise individual costs.

For time estimates, down and click "Add planning estimates" in order to be able to add these.

Generate the report

The last step is to generate the plan itself.

Go to the Reports and StratML section in and select (tick):

  1. Project Details
  2. Analysis
  3. Business Model Canvas
  4. SWOT
  5. Insight Details
  6. Planning
  7. Initiative Details
  8. Gantt Chart
  9. Financial Projection

Deselect (untick) all of the other options. Of course, once you're more familiar with the system, you can choose to include other sections if you think this is appropriate. But they're not necessary for this exercise.

Then click the "Microsoft Word Report" button towards the top of the screen.

The system will generate a fully cross-reference report which you can deliver to the Founder as your Launch Plan.

The Founder can then execute that plan, either from the generated report or using as their Strategy Execution system.

If you need more help

Don't forget that comes with lots of help and supporting materials:

  1. From any page, click the help icon (?) at the top right of the page for access to blog posts related to that page.
  2. Click on the chatbot icon at the bottom right of that page and ask any questions you have.

Everytime you share anything about StratNavApp with someone else, you help them to develop and execute better business strategies, and you help to support us and our ability to continue to make the platform even better for you. So it really is a win-win!

If any part of this text is not clear to you, please contact our support team for assistance.

About the author

Chris C Fox is a strategy consultant and founder of He helps consultants scale their impact, supports C-suite leaders in executing enterprise-wide strategies, and equips founders to grow and adapt with confidence.
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Published: 2024-04-01  | 
Updated: 2024-04-09

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