Groups (of stakeholders)

Groups are collections of stakeholders (people and/or organisations).

What are Groups

Groups are collections of stakeholders (People and/or Organisations).

Types of Groups

Types of Groups include:

Using Groups allows you to do everything with Groups that you can do with individual stakeholders. You can attach them to other elements of your strategy and specify the role they play with regard to that element.

You can also invite a Committee to a meeting, and will invite all the individual members of that committee to the meeting.

Adding Members to Groups

You can add some or all of the People or Organisations which make up a Group to the Group itself. But you don't have to.

Everytime you share anything about StratNavApp with someone else, you help them to develop and execute better business strategies, and you help to support us and our ability to continue to make the platform even better for you. So it really is a win-win!

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Published: 2023-11-01  | 
Updated: 2024-07-18

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