How Governance Tools in StratNavApp Ensure Your Strategy’s Success

Ensure successful strategy execution with's governance tools, including scorecards, status reports, RAID logs, and meeting management features.

A governance meetingFigures vary, but some suggest that as many as 90% of all strategies are never executed.

StratNavApp helps you to ensure this won't happen to your strategy:

The Strategy Scorecard

The Scorecard allows you track specific progress towards your goals and targets with simple graphs of your KPIs.

See Creating a Strategy Scorecard on

The Initiative Status Report

The Initiative Status Report lets you track the progress of all your strategic projects in one place. It helps you quickly find, report, and fix any issues that come up.

See Mastering Strategic Oversight with the Initiative Status Report.

The RAID Log

The RAID log functionality helps you to record, agree and manage the key Risks, Actions, Issues and Decisions as you execute your strategy. StratNavApp will email you reminders when Actions fall due, or Risks and Issues are due for review.

You can assign stakeholders for each, using the familiar RASCI framework.

See The Raid Log for more.

The Meeting Minder

The meeting minder helps you keep track of who attended each meeting, what topics were discussed. This includes which risks, actions, issues, and decisions were talked about with different people at each meeting.

See Using Meetings.

TIP: Conduct Regular Strategy Reviews

Set up regular review meetings to go over your Scorecard, Initiative Status Report and RAID log with the key stakeholders responsible for executing your strategy. Make sure they all have access to the latest updated information. StratNavApp provides all the tools you need to help you to do this.

Linking to the rest of your strategy

These control features can all link directly back to the insights, goals and initiatives to which they relate. This ensures your strategy remains joined up from start to finish.

Everytime you share anything about StratNavApp with someone else, you help them to develop and execute better business strategies, and you help to support us and our ability to continue to make the platform even better for you. So it really is a win-win!

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Published: 2023-11-01  | 
Updated: 2025-02-25

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