Using the File Vault and SharePoint integration

Upload and/or link supporting documents, like research reports, and link them directly to your strategy content.

File VaultWhat is the file vault?

The file fault allows you to upload and/or link supporting documents, like research reports or project documentation, and link them directly to elements of your business strategy.

These are most often PDFs or Microsoft Office files (Word, Powerpoint or Excel), etc.

You can then attach these to Meeting, Insight or Initiative records on the system. You attach more than one file to each Meeting, Insight or Initiative. You can also attach a file to more than one Meeting, Insight or Initiative, without uploading multiple copies.

Once you've uploaded or linked a file, you can also make notes about it.

There are two ways of linking files in

  1. Upload the file to our internal File Vault.
  2. Link to a file on a Teams/SharePoint* server.

Advantages of our internal File Vault

The advantages of our internal File Vault are that:

  • All of your supporting documents are stored in one central system.
  • All files are available to all of the other people you've shared your strategy project with. You no longer need to remember who has been sent what.
  • You don't have to email large documents around, clogging up your email servers.
  • Each user doesn't have to store their own copy, clogging up your file servers.
  • It's all managed through a single security system. You don't have to synchronise multiple logins to ensure everyone has access to what they need.

Advantages of linking to files on a SharePoint server

The advantages of linking to files on a SharePoint server are:

  • If you already use a SharePoint server, then you don't need to worry about two working with two different file storage systems. (Note that if you are using Microsoft Team, then it uses SharePoint as it underlying file storage and sharing mechanism.)
  • You can use Microsoft's 'live editing' features for all Office 365 documents.

However, the disadvantages of linking to files on a SharePoint server relative to using our internal File Vault are:

  • You need a separate password for and SharePoint. (You can use the same password for both, but this is not advised.)
  • You need to ensure that everyone in your project is also given appropriate access to the files on your SharePoint server.
  • If your SharePoint goes down, or moves, or if you rename or move the files on your SharePoint server, they may become disconnected from and you will have to reconnect them.

How to upload or link a file

To upload or link a file:

  • Go to any Meeting, Insight or Initiative screen in
  • Click on "Attach a file" under "Do Next"
  • Select "Link Existing", "Upload New" or "Link SharePoint"
  • For "Link Existing" - this will link to a file you have already uploaded or linked.
    • Simply start typing the name of the file, and then select the one you want from the drop-down list.
  • For "Upload New" - this will upload a new file to the internal File Vault.
    • Click "Choose File" to select a file on your system.
    • Finally, click "Upload" to upload and attach the file. This may take a few seconds depending on the size of your file.
    • A maximum size limit of 30MB applies per individual file. Fair use policies may also apply.
  • For "Link SharePoint" - this will allow you to link to a file on an existing SharePoint server.
    • If you've not already linked to a SharePoint server, you will be asked to provide login details. Don't worry, your password will be encrypted for safekeeping.
    • Once you're connected, start typing the name of a file and then select it from the drop-down list.

The file vault is available to premium users only.

See also:

  • You can also link directly to files or web pages stored in another system if they provide an accessible URL. Simply copy and paste the URL into any edit field. (See 'hyperlinks' in Formatted Text Entry.)
  • You can pull content into your projects directly from the open web using our handy bookmarklet.


* Microsoft Teams uses Microsoft SharePoint for file storage and sharing. So you might be using Microsoft SharePoint without even knowing it.

Everytime you share anything about StratNavApp with someone else, you help them to develop and execute better business strategies, and you help to support us and our ability to continue to make the platform even better for you. So it really is a win-win!

If any part of this text is not clear to you, please contact our support team for assistance.

Published: 2023-11-01  | 
Updated: 2024-09-16

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