Create high-quality strategy plans in Microsoft Word

Select which components of your strategy plan to export to a beautifully formatted Microsoft Word document which you can then email, print or archive.

Once you've built your strategy plan in, you can generate high-quality plans in Microsoft Word at the push of a button.

Not every strategy needs every model or framework - will include only those that you've actually used. In addition, you can select which sections of your plan to exclude and include each time you generate a document.

  • Email some or all of your plan to a colleague who you've not invited to collaborate in developing it.
  • Archive a version of your plan on your content management system.
  • Print or PDF some or all of your plan.
  • Ensure your documents are always consistent and based on best-practice.
  • Automatically generate a table of contents (may require a Word field refresh).

Rest assured that whenever you generate a Word document, it will always contain the most up-to-date version of your strategy. No more worrying about which copy is the latest one.

Corporate clients: you can request branded reports which include your logo and brand colours.


Everytime you share anything about StratNavApp with someone else, you help them to develop and execute better business strategies, and you help to support us and our ability to continue to make the platform even better for you. So it really is a win-win!

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Published: 2023-08-30  | 
Updated: 2023-08-30

© 2025
