Creating and linking actions to other elements of your strategy

Discover how linking actions to strategy enhances execution efficiency. Learn practical tips for effective strategy implementation with

Strategy development and execution should be an active process. It's not just about sitting and opining, it is about doing things: researching, testing, executing.

And is deliberately structured to keep you acting in a way that general office productivity and collaboration software can't. It's a full GTD (Getting Things Done) solution built right into your strategy, helping you and your team stay focused on the most strategically important things in your business.

It does so with actions.

You can link an action to most areas of your strategy in

Examples of use

Actions can be actions to develop your strategy, as well as actions to execute your strategy.

There are a number of ways that you could use this.

For example, you could be looking at a strategic insight and realise that more analysis is required. You could then

  1. create an action to do so,
  2. link it directly to that strategic insight,
  3. link the stakeholders who need to complete or be otherwise involved in that action,
  4. add the action to a forthcoming meeting at which you plan to discuss the action (or its results on completion).

Similarly, you can break a strategic initiative down into the list of actions necessary to complete it. Again, you could attach various stakeholders, in various roles, to each of these actions. And you could attach each action to the relevant meetings at which it needs to be discussed.

The possibilities are endless. But they're all aimed at the same thing. Ensuring your strategy is something which drives thoughtful action.

How to create links to actions

You can create a link between an action and almost anywhere in in 2 ways:

  1. From almost anywhere in, you can link to an action.
  2. From an action you can link to almost anywhere in

In both cases, when creating a link, you can link to an existing action/other item, or to a new action/other item.

Linking to new actions

When creating a link to a new action, simply type the action in plain English exactly as you would say it.

For example, if you would say that "(We've agreed that) Chris will complete the application forms by tomorrow" then simply type "Chris will complete the application forms by tomorrow" (you don't need to say the "We've agreed that" part as it is implied).

When linking to a new action, will examine what you type and attempt to establish:

  1. A due date (tomorrow, in this example)
  2. Stakeholders (Chris, in this example) will attempt to establish a due date for an action where it finds

  • words like today, tomorrow, week, month or year,
  • periods like 3 days, 12 weeks, 2 months or 2 years,
  • days of the week, like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
  • a date entered in your standard system set date format. (See Date formats in will attempt to identify and link stakeholders when you enter their names in the action title as we've done with Chris in the above example.

If the stakeholder is already linked to the item from which you are creating a new action, then you only need to enter the stakeholder's first name/forename. For other stakeholders, you will need to enter both the first name and surname. will attempt to identify the stakeholder's RASCI role in the action based on the context in which their name is used.

For example, if you're creating and linking actions to a meeting, then you only need to use the first names of stakeholders who are invited to the meeting. But you'll need to use the full first name and surname for other stakeholders.

Of course, you can always click on the action to change the due date and stakeholders later if you need to.

Linking to existing actions

To link to an existing action, simply start typing part of the title of the existing action. will look for possible existing actions for you to link to and provide you with a list. Simply click on the existing action you want to link to.

Working with actions

Once you've created an action you can:

  • Set, unset or change the due date to manage expectations of by when things will be done. You can also use an action with a future date to remind you to come back to review or progress something at a later date.
  • Manage the people involved in the action and the roles they play.
  • Link the action to any aspect of your strategy which is relevant to what needs to be done or will be impacted by the output from the action.

Your actions will appear on your project actions list, as well as on your Personal Actions list (if you are recorded as directly involved in the action - see Personal Calendar and Personal Actions)

The system will automatically alert everyone when actions fall due.

See also:

Whatever your strategy's Actions will ensure you get it both developed and executed.

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If any part of this text is not clear to you, please contact our support team for assistance.

Published: 2023-11-01  | 
Updated: 2024-01-14

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