The RASCI framework

The RASCI framework allows you to categorise the roles stakeholders can plan on goals, initiatives and actions.

Strategies are developed and executed by stakeholders and for stakeholders.

Stakeholders can be people, organisations, or groups of people and/or organisations.

The RASCI framework categorises the different types of roles stakeholders can have for goals, initiatives and actions.

The categories are:

  • Responsible: This is the stakeholder assigned to ensure something gets done. In many organisations, this person might be called a project or programme manager. But they don't need to be. Their role often includes co-ordinating the other roles and ensuring good communication between them.

  • Accountable: This is the stakeholder who is accountable for the results once the Responsible stakeholder completed whatever it was that needed to get done. In many organisations, they may be referred to as an Executive Sponsor, or some similar title. It is often the Accountable stakeholder who delegates to the Responsible stakeholder.

    Many people will argue that it is always best to have only one Responsible and/or Accountable stakeholder for each goal, initiative or action. In most situations, that is true. However, it is common to have many stakeholders in each of the Supporting, Consulted or Informed roles.

  • Supporting: These are all the stakeholders who will have a role to plan in achieving the goal or completing the initiative or task. For example, to launch a new product, you may need support from the new product development, marketing and training teams - they will each have a role to play.

  • Consulted: These are stakeholders whose advice or input needs to be sought, but they don't have to do anything. They are typically experts in a particular field.

  • Informed: Lastly, these stakeholders don't need to do or contribute anything. They just need to be kept up to date on progress and outcomes. Committees often fall into this category. So do people involved in related goals, initiatives and tasks.

It can take a lot of effort to coordinate the development and execution of a strategy. The RASCI framework can help you to ensure that effort is focused and effective.

You can typically use the RASCI framework whenever linking a stakeholder (person, organisation or group) to a goal, initiative or action in

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Published: 2023-11-01  | 
Updated: 2024-02-02

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