The Initiative RASCI Matrix

The Initiative RASCI Matrix allows you to allocate your key resources to your strategic initiatives to increase their chances of being executed successfully.

What is the Initiative RASCI Matrix?

Effective resource allocation is a key component of strategy execution. By making sure you have allocated the right resources to your strategic initiatives, without over-stretching them, you will increase the chances that your strategy will get executed successfully.

The Initiative RASCI Matrix is a strategic planning tool that shows how you are applying your key resources to your strategic initiatives.

It uses the RASCI Framework to show the different roles stakeholders can play in each initiative.

What is the Initiative RASCI Matrix used for?

You can use the Initiative RASCI Matrix to make sure you:

  • haven't under-resourced any of your strategic initiatives.
  • have a good spread of resources with different skills and capabilities for each strategic initiative.
  • haven't overallocated any individual resources, spreading them too thin.

How to complete an Initiative RASCI Matrix

To complete an Initiative RASCI Matrix:

  1. Create and then select a strategic initiative. You should have a screen which shows "Initiative" towards the top left.
  2. Scroll down to the box which says "Do Next".
  3. Select "Add Related People" (3rd from the bottom).
  4. Enter the name of a person/stakeholder. As you type, the names of existing people will appear in the dropdown list below. If you see the name of the stakeholder simply click on it to add it. If you don't, finish typing the name of the person and press enter.
  5. The name of the person/stakeholder will then appear above the input box. You can select the RASCI role from the dropdown list next to the name.
  6. You can add as many stakeholders to the initiative as you need. You can then repeat the process for your other initiatives.
  7. Once you're complete, you can return to the Strategy Board to run the Initiative RASCI.

You can do this at any stage to confirm that you have correctly identified all the stakeholders required for the success of your initiatives and identify and correct any gaps.

Where to find the Initiative RASCI Matrix

  1. Log in to
  2. Select the Project you want to work with.
  3. Select Planning on the main menu.
  4. Select RASCI on the selector at the top of the screen.

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If any part of this text is not clear to you, please contact our support team for assistance.

Published: 2023-11-01  | 
Updated: 2024-02-02

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